Innovation for impact, leapfrogging, future-fit governance

About me
I am an innovation policy researcher, Founder and Director of an international think-tank Visionary Analytics. Since 2000, I have been involved in extensive work with governments and international organizations through contract research, expert group involvement, and invited presentations. This includes leading complex multi-stakeholder projects, such as the development of smart specialization strategy, a roadmap of space sector development, design of the society digitization measures, investments into SMEs and innovation, triple helix collaboration, and other exciting work.
The promise of regulatory sandboxes
Policy makers worldwide have acknowledged the regulatory hurdles linked with the digital revolution, and have adopted various approaches in response, ranging from cautious observation to proactive experimentation to outright prohibition […]
Read moreRing the bell for gender equality
Today the bells toll for gender equality! Spoiler alert – if I had to pick a “silver bullet” for gender equality breakthrough, I would uninstall that “good girl” syndrome for […]
Read moreWorld Cup and Horizon Europe – what do they have in common
The world has changed dramatically since June 2018 when the European Commission has launched its proposal for Horizon Europe. Science and innovation are needed more than ever – we need […]
Read moreLeapfrogging in the post-Covid world
With Covid-19, we already see signs of a disruption that will shape decades to come. Perhaps, there is a bigger opportunity here.
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leapfrogging out of windows of opportunity
Breaking from the status quo requires to pursue a path that differs from that taken by your forerunners - leapfrogging out of windows of opportunity. For this leap, bold investments into future capabilities and long-term thinking are essential.
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