My Work
Publications, recent policy & societal impact, research grants, awards, media articles and more.
Paliokaitė A., Novelskaitė A., Antanavičius J., Jotautytė A. (2022). Moterų įgalinimas aukštajame moksle. Studija, parengta Asociacija "Lyderė" užsakymu. Vilnius
Paliokaitė A. (2013). The relationship between organisational foresight and organisational ambidexterity. Doctoral dissertation. Vilnius, ISM University of Management and Economics.
Chapters in books
E.Markevičiūtė (ed.), Lietuva 2120 (2020)
Martinaitis Ž., Gaušas S., Paliokaitė A. (2015). Cultural and constitutional embeddedness of autonomy in Lithuania. Chapter in: Re-discovering university autonomy (Turcan R., Reilly J., Bugaian L.(Eds.)). Palgrave Macmillan. New York.
Gaušas S., Owczarzak R., Paliokaitė A. (2014). Anticipating and managing the effects of greening of industries in the European Union: Skills development in the overall context of job quality. In: OECD/Cedefop (2014). Greener Skills and Jobs., OECD Green Growth Studies, OECD Publishing.
Journal articles (peer reviewed)
(2024) Impact of Industrial Change on Skills during the Economic Transition in Central and Eastern Europe, Problems of Post-Communism, DOI: 10.1080/10758216.2023.2301098
Paliokaitė A., Sadauskaitė A. (2023). Institutionalisation of participative and collaborative governance: Case studies of Lithuania 2030 and Finland 2030, Futures, 2023.
Paliokaitė A., Jašinskaitė E., Tiits M. (2021). GVC Upgrading and Business-University Collaborations: case studies of successful innovators, Triple Helix, 31 Mar 2021, 1–43.
Paliokaitė A. (2019). An innovation policy framework for upgrading firm absorptive capacities in the context of catching-up economies. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 15(3), 103-129.
Paliokaitė A., Martinaitis Ž., Sarpong D. (2016). Implementing Smart Specialisation roadmaps in Lithuania: lost in translation? Technological Forecasting & Social Change 110, 143-152.
Paliokaitė A., Martinaitis Ž., Reimeris R. (2015). Foresight methods for Smart Specialisation Strategy in Lithuania. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 101, 185–199.
Paliokaitė A., Pačėsa N. (2015). Relationship between organisational foresight and organisational ambidexterity. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 101, 165–181.
Paliokaitė A., Pačėsa N., Sarpong D. (2014). Conceptualizing strategic foresight: an integrative framework. Special Issue: Strategic Foresight, Strategic Change. Volume 23, Issue 3-4, 161–169.
Paliokaitė A. (2010). Industry level foresight: Designing foresight methods for Lithuanian energy sector. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies, 6, IET, 9 – 51.
Paliokaitė, A. (2010). Networking as a Route for Corporate Foresight in SMEs. IET Working Papers Series, WPS10/2010, pp. 31.
Papers in review | Working Papers
Krūminas P., Paliokaitė A., Martinaitis, Ž. Tiits M. (2019). Global value chains, skills and innovations: conceptual issues, in review.
Krūminas P., Rybakovas E., Paliokaitė A. (2019). Global value chains and middle-income trap skills, innovation, and integration in CEE, in review.
Rybakovas E., Krūminas P., Paliokaitė A. (2019). Global Value Chains Participation Productivity of Central and Eastern Europe Countries Manufacturing Industry Sectors, in review.
Conference papers
Krūminas P., Paliokaitė A., Martinaitis, Ž., Tiits, M. (2019). Global Value Chains, Skills and Innovation Activities in Firms: Conceptual Issues. Paper presented at 6th annual AIB-CEE conference in Kaunas, held by Kaunas University of Technology, 25-27 September 2019.
Krūminas P., Rybakovas E., Paliokaitė A. (2019). Global Value Chains as Pathway to Innovation: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe. Paper presented at 31st Annual EAEPE Conference in Warsaw, held at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, 12-15 September 2019.
Krūminas P., Rybakovas E., Paliokaitė A. (2019). Global value chains and middle-income trap in Central and Eastern Europe. Paper presented at 21st annual ESDG conference in Bern, held by World Trade Institute, 12-14 September 2019.
Krūminas, P., Rybakovas, E., Paliokaitė, A. (2018). Global Value Chains in Transition Economies: Integration Paths in Central and Eastern Europe. In: A World of Flows: Labour Mobility, Capital and Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival. 2018 Annual Conference of Regional Studies Association. 3rd –6th June 2018, Universita Della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.
Martinaitis Ž., Christenko A., Krūminas P., Paliokaitė A. (2017) Impact of industrial change on skills during economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe. Paper presented at 29th Annual EAEPE Conference, held at Corvinus University of Budapest, 19-21 October 2017.
Paliokaitė A. (2016). Innovation Policies and Firm Absorptive Capacities: Minding the Gap. Paper presented at the ISPIM 2016 International Innovation Conference „Blending Tomorrow‘s Innovation Vintage“, 19-22 June 2016, Porto.
Paliokaitė A., Martinaitis Ž. (2014). Implementing Smart Specialisation roadmaps in Lithuania: lost in translation? Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) – Engage today to shape tomorrow, Brussels, 27-28 November 2014.
Selected Policy reports | Policy briefs
Support for identification of Smart Specialisation Priorities for Lithuania for 2014-2020: Methodology, 2012
Recent policy & societal impact
Chair of the Board
2022 – ongoing
As elected Chair of the Board steers strategy of the newly established Innovation Agency in Lithuania. The Innovation Agency Lithuania was established in 2022 on the basis of Enterprise Lithuania and the Lithuanian Business Support Agency, and consolidating the functions for the promotion of innovative activities performed by the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology.
Board Member
2020 – 2022
Asociation „Lyderė“, an organisation set up to encourage women‘s leadership and career advancement
Member of State Progress Council
2018 – ongoing
Member of the State Progress Council led by the Prime Minister of the Government of Lithuania, overseeing the development and progress towards the implementation of the national Strategy. Member of the special Task Force (from 2022), established by the Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė to consult on the development of Strategy 'Lithuania 2050' that will set out the vision for the state progress, state development guidelines, and the desired impact indicators reflecting changes in the social, economic and environmental state of play. The Strategy was developed using foresight methodologies including future scenarios and roadmaps. The strategy was approved by Seimas on 23 December 2023.

Member of Expert group under the Government of Lithuania
Responsible for consolidating the network of public higher education institutions.
Member of International Independent Experts Group
Responsible for designing the Lithuanian Smart Specialisation Strategy and defining national smart specialisation priorities
Research grants
Lithuanian Research Council (2017-2019)
Middle income trap: position in global value chains and its relationship to skills and innovations in Central Eastern Europe.
Prizes | Honors | Awards
State award "Medal of the Order for Merits to Lithuania" awarded on behalf of the President of the Republic of Lithuania for the service to the Republic of Lithuania and for promoting the name of Lithuania in the world
ISPIM Innovation Management Dissertation Award 2014
Finalist (Top 10%)
100 Lithuanian women (
Recognized as one of top 100 most inspirational Lithuanian women
Keynotes | Lectures | Invited Presentations
Middle income trap. Presentation at the conference "Lūžio taškas / Tipping point". Palanga, 2021.
Upgrading in the global value chains – the CEE case
Riga, 19 September 2019
Presentation to the decision makers from three Baltic States, the European Commission and the OECD at the seminar ‘Smart specialisation strategy as a tool to better anchor Baltic States in global value chains.
Smart Regions Conference 3.0: Transformation through Smart Specialisation
Brussels, 15 November 2019
panel discussion “Development of value chains in catching up regions” (project results discussed).
Future-fit governance
Lecture on Future-fit governance for the 10th STRATA Anniversary Conference at the Government of Lithuania.
10+ routes of business-science collaboration
Presentation on the routes for business-science collaboration at the “Smart Lithuania” conference
Open governance maturity model and institutionalisation challenges
Helsinki, 8 June 2016
Presentation at the Foresight Conference „For the Future Generations“.
Podcasts | Webinars
On the economy recovery after the pandemic and the EU‘s Recovery Plan for Europe: summary, and full discussion including politicians, MEPs, and Lithuanian Minister of Finance